Economic Development Department

Departament was founded on the day of the NGO’s registration and began its functioning simultaneously with it.

The Mission of the Department:

The Department assists in economic growth, unemployment decrease, creation of new jobs, production and export enlargement, integration into the international market, by means of education, marketing services, exhibitions, etc..

          Being one of the former soviet republics, and like the other 15 such states, in the early 90-s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Armenia was stranded in a difficult economic state: there was almost no economic growth, high inflation rate was observed, the unemployment level grew day by day, etc.. An enormous group of people was in poverty.

          Since the day of its founding, “Eurasia” CPO began to implement projects and measures, aimed at solving the economic problems both of the republic on the whole and separate layers of population. Particularly:

        In 1997-2002, various humanitarian programs for vulnerable groups were implemented. In 2001 “Eurasia” CPO worked out a project which was approved by the Eurasia Foundation. The project title was “Support to the economical development of the agricultural processors of RA.” The goal of the project was to help the local agrarian enterprises enlarge their production and export, create new jobs, enrich the production assortment, etc.. Within the framework of the project was created the Methodical Centre which provided free-of-charge consultations on tax, customs and jurisdictional issues, conducted intensive marketing measures in order to find demand for the local production, helped the producers export their goods, and finally, organized seminars for the beneficiaries, on marketing, management, tax and jurisdictional topics.

          After the successful implementation of this project, a second one was launched, which was a logical continuation to the previous program. The project was named “Support to the integration of the local producers into the international market.”The goal of this project was to help the local producers to be integrated into the international market via marketing and consultation services, data providing, support in obtaining credits and, which is most important, consolidation of agrarian sector of Armenia. Thus, already in 2003 we succeeded in consolidating the local agrarian enterprises through creating the Coalition of Agriculture Processors. Simultaneously, an Exhibition-Forum of Agriculture Processors of Armenia was held. In 2004 USDAprovided a grant to publish a two-side catalogue “Armenian Producers of Agricultural Food and their Potential Customers”, in which on one side were presented the local producers, on the other – potential customers.

          “Eurasia” CPO goes on with its cooperation with the beneficiaries despite of financial delay on the part of donors, continues to provide its beneficiaries with consultation and technical services, and is working on new projects so as to achieve its goals and objectives.