There was an inauguration and anointment of St. “Tukh Manuk” Chapel and Khachqar park on June 23, 2012. The founder and sponsor of the Chapel is the president of Eurasia CPO, director of the CSTO Armenian National Representation, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the United Consolidation of Armenian Cossack Forces, Lieutenant- General Nver Torosyan.
The anointment of the chapel was done by Ter-Mushegh Clergyman and Hayr Shnorhq – Surb Gevorg Church Abbot.
A lot of people had gathered.
Nice architectural solutions are given to the chapel by the architect. There are 3 khachqars: “To St.Tukh Manuk Chapel” from Nver Torosyan, 2011. “Glory to the Armenian Soldier”, and “To St. Tukh Manuk” from V.P. Vlasov, RF Federal Security Service Border Board head in the RA, Lieutenant- General.
People approached enthusiastically to Nver Torosyan and expressed their gratitude for that saint deed fulfillment. Gagik Poghosyan, Aragats Community Head, expressed his gratitude to Nver Torosyan from the name of the whole village and granted him an honorary citizen rank for the exclusive service done for the community.
Presents were given to the people gathered and were invited to dinner.
It’s worth reminding that “Tukh Manuk” is considered holy, sacred and medicinal.